Thursday 27 November 2008

How to make an LCO

Hello loyal followers.

Hoffwn i roi darlun bychain i bawb sydd yn dangos sut mae'r cynulliad yn creu LCO.

Here is a little diagram that gives a rough idea of the process the Assembly goes through to make an LCO, as you can see it's a bit confusing and not what a reasonable man would describe as crystal clear.

Click on the image to make it bigger!

The s.95 scribbled on the paper refers to the GOWA 2006. Thats the section that gives the Secretary of State for Wales the power to refuse/accept LCO's.

Any questions or comments please leave them here and I will get back to you! I hope this clears the murky water somewhat!

I thought given the confusion over the affordable housing LCO, this may be of use.


Dewi Un

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