I’ve just tried logging on to the Welsh Conservatives website - www.welshconservatives.com – it doesn’t work.
Navigating through the Conservatives homepage you can get to a “Where You Live > Wales” section with a few original news items and a single blog post from the party chairman – but no contact details for the central Welsh party.
Baring this in mind they would appear to be the only party in the country who don’t have a working Welsh website (see Welsh Labour, Welsh Liberal Democrats and Plaid’s sites).
This is surprising since the party is technically bigger in Wales than the Liberal Democrats and (in terms of the number of MPs and AMs) is almost as big as Plaid.
The Tories are also looking competitive in several other Welsh seats at the next General Election so why then do they not seem to take the nation more seriously?
Dewi Tri
A looming trade war?
21 hours ago
Dwi ddim yn synnu at hyn o gwbwl. Dydi o ond yn adlewyrchu diffyg parch y Ceidwadwyr at hunaniaeth Cymru a'u dallineb tuag at anghenion gwleidyddol Cymru. Mae'n hen bryd iddynt symud i'r oes ddatganoledig.
if the nick bourne and alun cairns expense row over chrsitmas is an indication, the party couldn't give a dam about wales, but they could end up winning 2 seats at the Euroepan Elections because of Labour and Plaid Cymru's unpopularity.
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