Here's this week's podcast featuring special guest, Ben from Work in Wales.
We're talking about the big story of the week: Corus job losses, another blow to Welsh industry.
Also the European funding and the Olympics. Plenty to get you talking so please send us your comments - they're always very very welcome!
Gyda diswyddiadau Corus yn dominyddu'r newyddion yr wythnos hon, gwahoddwyd Ben - arbenigwr ar ddiswyddiadau diweddar y wlad - i gynnig ei farn ef ar y sefyllfa.
Hyn a llawer mwy ar bodlediad PC yr wythnos hon.
Y Tri Dewi
A looming trade war?
21 hours ago
Rhechan, fwcin rhechan.
Dowcn rwan, dydi hyn ddim digon da, nag ydy?
Cywir, dydi o ddim. :-(
Lagos, Nigeria.
Attention: The President/CEO
Dear Sir,
Confidential Business Proposal
Having consulted with my colleagues and based on the information gathered from the Nigerian Chambers Of Commerce And Industry, I have the privilege to request your assistance to transfer the sum of $47,500,000.00 (forty seven million, five hundred thousand United States dollars) into your accounts. The above sum resulted from an over-invoiced contract, executed, commissioned and paid for about five years (5) ago by a foreign contractor. This action was however intentional and since then the fund has been in a suspense account at The Central Bank Of Nigeria Apex Bank.
We are now ready to transfer the fund overseas and that is where you come in. It is important to inform you that as civil servants, we are forbidden to operate a foreign account; that is why we require your assistance. The total sum will be shared as follows: 70% for us, 25% for you and 5% for local and international expenses incidental to the transfer.
The transfer is risk free on both sides. I am an accountant with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). If you find this proposal acceptable, we shall require the following documents:
(a) your banker's name, telephone, account and fax numbers.
(b) your private telephone and fax numbers —for confidentiality and easy communication.
(c) your letter-headed paper stamped and signed.
Alternatively we will furnish you with the text of what to type into your letter-headed paper, along with a breakdown explaining, comprehensively what we require of you. The business will take us thirty (30) working days to accomplish.
Please reply urgently.
Best regards
Howgul Abul Arhu
As always, we at Politics Cymru appreciate all your comments. This is why we allow them to appear on our site. However some are taken more seriously than others!
Diolch a phob lwc.
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