This man is such a waste of space in the political machine. He, and therefore his poor electorate, will go nowhere fast. His self-importance is evidently his only political ambition. And surely, surely, surely there must be a better way of ensuring diversity amongst our elected representatives than political parties leaping on the first opportunity that presents itself and abandoning all other selection criteria. Plaid, it was a woefully irresponsible thing to do, for so many reasons, to select him in the first place.
The man is nothing but a total self interested, self serving politician, one of many unfortunately. Newport and South East Wales don't need him or his daughter, hope the Tories send him to the Valleys
How this self-serving clown could ever conclude that the electorate would buy this as a genuine change of conscience is beyond me. There couldn't be a bigger chasm between Tory and Plaid policies so it's not as if this was a natural ideological progression. It's actually insulting.
There should be an emergency by-election when this happens because at the moment, Ashgar represents only himself.
Ry'n ni'n newyddiadurwyr darlledu s'yn gohebu ar hynt a helynt gwleidyddiaeth yng Nghymru. Ry'n ni'n hollol ddi-duedd ac yn gwbl ddi-flewyn-ar-dafod. Gadewch eich sylwadau a'ch syniadau. 'Da ni wastad yn edrych am sgwrs i'w chael ac am drafodaeth i'w chynnal.
We are broadcast journalists reporting on Welsh politics. If it's in Wales and it's to do with politics then we're on it. We're completely impartial and totally frank. Please let us know what you think.
"Dyma flog dwyieithiog newydd gan rai o fyfyrwyr y Coleg Newyddiaduraeth yng Nghaerdydd. Fe wnes i gwrdd รข rhai ohonyn nhw yn ddiweddar ac maen nhw'n frawychus o alluog a thalentog."
"A frank, engaging and accessible view on Welsh politics from the three Dewis - an invaluable resource for everyone with an interest in the latest political developments from Wales."
- Dr Rosanne Palmer, Wales and Devolution lecturer, Cardiff University
"Dyma'r drindod newydd sy'n craffu ar wleidyddiaeth Cymru lawr. Tri llais ffres am bris un - mae'n llawn gwerth cadw golwg ar eu gwefan."
"Here is a new bilingual blog by some of the students at Cardiff Journalism School. I met some of them recently and they are frighteningly intelligent and talented."
Hardly Frost/Nixon is it?
"Political parties are political parties."
Translation: "I cared more about getting into power than about the policies of the party to which I belonged."
Conservatives beware.
This man is such a waste of space in the political machine. He, and therefore his poor electorate, will go nowhere fast. His self-importance is evidently his only political ambition. And surely, surely, surely there must be a better way of ensuring diversity amongst our elected representatives than political parties leaping on the first opportunity that presents itself and abandoning all other selection criteria. Plaid, it was a woefully irresponsible thing to do, for so many reasons, to select him in the first place.
The man is nothing but a total self interested, self serving politician, one of many unfortunately. Newport and South East Wales don't need him or his daughter, hope the Tories send him to the Valleys
How this self-serving clown could ever conclude that the electorate would buy this as a genuine change of conscience is beyond me. There couldn't be a bigger chasm between Tory and Plaid policies so it's not as if this was a natural ideological progression. It's actually insulting.
There should be an emergency by-election when this happens because at the moment, Ashgar represents only himself.
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