Here’s what it looks like Now:
First Minister: Rhodri Morgan
Deputy and Economy and Transport: Ieuan Wyn Jones
Environment, Sustainability and Housing: Jane Davidson
Finance and Public Service Delivery: Andrew Davies
Social Justice and Local Government: Dr Brian Gibbons
Health and Social Services: Edwina Hart
Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills: Jane Hutt
Heritage: Alun Ffred Jones
Counsel General: Carwyn Jones
Rural Affairs: Elin Jones
I have no basis for the following breakdown just some gossip and backrooms whispers. Think of it as a bit of fun ( I need to get out more!!)
First Minister: Carwyn Jones (New)
Deputy and Economy and Transport: Ieuan Wyn Jones
Environment, Sustainability and Housing: Jane Davidson
Finance and Public Service Delivery: Leighton Andrews (New)
Social Justice and Local Government: John Griffiths (New)
Health and Social Services: Edwina Hart
Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills: Huw Lewis (New)
Heritage: Alun Ffred Jones
Counsel General: Removed (or still done by Carwyn / unelected official)
Rural Affairs: Elin Jones
John Griffiths and Huw Lewis could easily be the other way around, to be fair most of the list could be different!
There’s my largely uneducated punt – agree???
Dewi Un

John Griffiths!!
You're having a laugh, Shirley not???
The rest is spot on mind...
s49 (9) of the Govt of Wales Act 2006:
"A person holding office as the First Minister, a Welsh Minister appointed under section 48 or a Deputy Welsh Minister may not be appointed as the Counsel General or designated under subsection (6); and the Counsel General or a person so designated may not be appointed to any of those offices."
s49 (3) states:
"No recommendation for the appointment or removal of a person as the Counsel General may be made by the First Minister without the agreement of the Assembly."
So whoever is asked to become Counsel General, won't be able to take up post until after the Christmas recess, because the last Plenery session this term is next Wednesday, and the appointments can't be confirmed before Thursday.
Not sure you would want to leave the Health Minister unchanged, as it is the biggest portfolio with the highest profile - surely this is where you need to stamp your mark.
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