Tŷ Hywel was the venue, packed to the rafters with the who’s who of Welsh politics: the Presiding Officer himself was there, as were assorted AMs (like Alun Cairns - sporting a lovely tan it must be said: real or not, I’ll let you decide), journalists and interested parties.
The book itself champions a more federal system of Governance in the UK. 'That's no new argument,' I hear you cry, but remember this is a Conservative saying it. David Melding is unashamedly proud of being British and in his speech to the assorted crowd he told us how this new approach - Federal Parliamentarianism - could be the saviour of Britishness. We have transported the system across the Globe, to Canada and Australia and now, according to David Melding, it’s time to look closer to home.
What will David Cameron make of this approach from a prominent Welsh Tory I wonder? Will he be supportive of the opportunity to get Welsh issues off his agenda - no more LCOs - or will he rubbish it as a fad, an idea more akin to the Liberal Democrats?
David Cameron’s opinion may well become more important if, as is widely expected, his party wins the next General Election. But for now David Melding can sit back and bask in the glory of his completed work - five years after putting pen to paper for the first time. Much praise has already been heaped upon him by those fortunate enough to have finished reading his book - none more so than Dafydd Ellis-Thomas. He brimmed with energy and excitement as he opened the evening with his comments.
A good night was had by all whether you agree with Melding’s analysis or whether you think it’s a pile of the proverbial.
As for PoliticsCymru - we managed to hand out some business cards (yes we have them!) and were asked to gave a quick interview to ITV’s “Sharp End” programme so be sure to watch on Thursday night: hopefully we won't end up on the cutting room floor.
Dewi Un