Mae dysgwraig o Batagonia wedi cael ei gwrthod rhag ddod i Gymru i ddysgu'r Gymraeg gan y Swyddfa Gartref.
Bwriad Evelyn Calcabrini oedd aros efo teulu yng Ngogledd Cymru i ddysgu Cymraeg ond ar ôl iddi wynebu swyddogion mewnfudo ym Maes Awyr Heathrow fe gafodd hi ei throi i ffwrdd.
Mae Politics Cymru wedi cysylltu â Llywodraeth y Cynulliad am ymateb ond fe ddywedon nhw wrthon ni nad mater iddyn nhw ydy mewnfudo a materion yn ymwneud a ffiniau'r wlad.
Mwy i ddilyn - cadwch lygad!
Dewi Dau
A Welsh learner from Patagonia who was hoping to visit Wales to improve her understanding of the language has been turned away by immigration officials.
Evelyn Calcabrini was turned away at Heathrow airport after being questioned by officials.
Politics Cymru has spoken to the Welsh Assembly Government. They told us they could not comment because immigration is not a devolved field.
More to follow - keep an eye!
Dewi Dau
An alarming decline in Welsh nature
8 hours ago
Does anyone find this anything but hilariously funny?
Immigration? She was coming here to improve her Welsh language skills. The Welsh Assembly must have meant 'going on holiday' is not a devolved issue. Imagine the late francophile John Thaw being kick out of France for wanting to have 'A Year in Provence'?
I have created an online petition at the No 10 website.
The petition states:
"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to make it absolutely clear to all the staff of the UK Border Agency that
the United Kingdom consists of four nations and that the staff of the Agency should not damage Welsh links with Patagonia by refusing entry to people from Patagonia wishing to visit the Land of their Fathers."
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